Annual Nordic Women in Tech Awards Announces National Finalists for Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland (Tuesday, 12 September 2023)– Nordic Women in Tech Awards (#NWITA) today announced the national finalists for each Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The annual awards program is dedicated to honouring women leaders and emerging leaders in technology across the Nordic countries, will host its gala event at the stunning Harpa Conference and Concert venue in Reykjavik, Iceland, on 9 November 2023. Overall winners for each of the 10 categories will be announced live at the gala event.
The event is co-organised by founding partner WonderCoders in Denmark, as well as Women In Tech Gothenburg, Women In Tech Finland, Women in Tech Norway, and this year’s local host partner WomenTechIceland.
NWITA is supported by Presenting Partner, Business Iceland, and sponsors PLAY airlines, Origo, Wise, Boozt, Sofigate, Crowberry Capital, Signicat, Implement Consulting Group, and Kea Hotels.
“This year’s national nominees represented the largest class of nominations in the history of the awards program,” said Plamena Cherneva, Founder of Nordic Women In Tech Awards. “We are so proud of the impact that all of the nominees have had on their communities and countries. We see this, and the great partners and sponsors we’ve attracted to the awards, as a signal that more women are visible, acknowledged and taking leadership roles across the tech industry. We look forward to celebrating all of our nominees and finalists, as well as announcing the 2023 winners in Reykjavik, Iceland.”
The 2023 National Finalists for Iceland are:
Violette Riviere (Sidekick Health), Developer of the year
Adeline Tracz (Landspitalí), Digital leader of the year
Ellen Yr Aðalsteinsdottir (Reykjavik Energy), Diversity leader of the year
Margret Anna Einarsdottir (Justikal), Entrepreneur of the year
/sys/tur student organization (HR), Initiative of the year
Joice Ozaki (Controlant), Innovator of the year
Hronn Greipsdottir (Iceland Business Development Fund), Investor of the year
Thorbjorg Saemundsdottir (CCP), Mentor of the year
Safa Jemai (Víkonnekt), Rising star of the year
Helena Sveinborg Jonsdottir (Ada Konur, PLAIO), Women in Tech advocate of the year
An additional award category, The Liva Echwald Award, has been added to honor and keep alive the legacy of Nordic Women in Tech Awards beloved alumna, Liva Echwald, who was a celebrated mentor, role model and relentless Diversity, Equity and Inclusion advocate.She was the force that inspired the Found Diverse organization. With her company, Træd frem, she was coaching young founders and showing women that nothing was impossible if we put your mind into it. The recipient of the inaugural award will reflect Liva’s principles, impact and advocacy.
To learn more about the awards process, nominations categories, sponsorship opportunities and to get involved, please visit
About Nordic Women in Tech Awards
Nordic Women in Tech Awards is an annual event organized by WonderCoders to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in tech across the Nordic countries.
NWITA’s mission is to highlight exceptional women leaders and emerging talent, and share their successful stories with the wider public. Our goal is to inspire generations of women to pursue challenging and exciting careers in the tech industry, realise their full potential, and turn their career dreams into achievable goals, through visibility and allyship. To learn more, please visit
About WomenTechIceland
WomenTechIceland is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing women in tech, to create a more inclusive society through advocacy, allyship and activism and encouraging equality in the Technology industry. WomenTechIceland serves as a bridge between segmented communities in Icelandic society to foster greater diversity and inclusion.
Likewise, WomenTechIceland is a touch point for events, news and discussions around women and technology in Iceland, connecting the Icelandic tech industry to the global tech community, whose interests include engaging with expert voices from Iceland's strong community of women in tech, and who are focused on the interests, issues and opportunities of women in the Tech industry. For more information, visit
Íslenskar tilnefningar til Nordic Women in Tech Awards hafa verið tilkynntar
Reykjavík, Ísland (þriðjudagur, 12. september 2023) – Tilnefningar til Nordic Women in Tech Awards (#NWITA) voru tilkynntar í dag í öllum 5 aðilarlöndunum, Danmörku, Finnlandi, Íslandi, Noregi og Svíþjóð. Verðlaunahafar í hverjum flokki fyrir sig verða tilkynntir í beinni útsendingu á árlegri verðlaunahátíð sem haldin verður í glæsilegum húsakynnum Hörpu í Reykjavík þann 9. Nóvember nk. Þar verða heiðraðir kvenleiðtogar og vaxandi stjörnur í tæknigeiranum á Norðurlöndum.
Viðburðurinn í ár er haldinn af WonderCoders í Danmörku, sem stóðu að stofnun verðlaunanna, ásamt Women In Tech Gautaborg, Women In Tech Finland, Women in Tech Norway, og gestgjafanna á Íslandi, WomenTechIceland.
Meginstuðningsaðili hátíðarinnar er Íslandsstofa en að auki styrkja Play, Origo, Wise, Boozt, Sofigate, Crowberry Capital, Signicat, Implement Consulting Group og Kea hótel hátíðina.
“Við höfum aldrei áður fengið jafnmargar tilnefningar til verðlaunanna eins og í ár,” segir Plamena Cherneva, stofnandi Nordic Women in Tech Awards. “Við erum mjög stolt af þeim sem eru tilnefnd í ár og þeim áhrifum sem þau hafa haft á sín samfélög og nærumhverfi. Við sjáum á þessu og þeim fjölda styrktar- og samstarfsaðila sem eru til í að styðja við verðlaunin, að konur eru að verða sýnilegri og viðurkenndari í tækniiðnaðinum og þær eru að taka forystuhlutverk. Við hlökkum til að fagna með öllum þeim sem eru tilnefnd og verðlaunahöfunum á verðlaunahátíðinni í Reykjavík. “
Tilnefnd árið 2023 fyrir Ísland eru:
Violette Riviere (Sidekick Health), Forritari ársins
Adeline Tracz (Landspitalí), Stafrænn leiðtogi ársins
Ellen Ýr Aðalsteinsdóttir (Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (OR)), Fjölbreytnileiðtogi ársins
Margrét Anna Einarsdóttir (Justikal), Frumkvöðull ársins
/sys/tur Nemendafélag (HR), Frumkvæði ársins
Joice Ozaki (Controlant), Nýsköpunarfólk ársins
Hrönn Greipsdóttir (Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins), Fjárfestir ársins
Þórbjörg Sæmundsdóttir (CCP), Mentor ársins
Safa Jemai (Víkonnekt), Rísandi stjarna ársins
Helena Sveinborg Jónsdóttir (Ada Konur, PLAIO), Talsmaður kvenna í tækni ársins
Einum verðlaunaflokki hefur svo verið bætt við til að heiðra og halda á lofti arfleifð Liva Echwald sem var einn af stofnendum Nordic Women in Tech Awards. Liva var þekkt fyrir að vera óþreytandi talsmaður fjölbreytileika, jafnréttis og inngildingar og mikill mentor og fyrirmynd fyrir fólk. Hún veitti samtökunum Found Diverse innblástur og í gegnum fyrirtæki hennar, Træd frem, þjálfaði hún unga frumkvöðla og sýndi konum að allt er mögulegt ef við leggjum okkur fram. Viðtakandi þessarar fyrstu verðlauna mun endurspegla þessi gildi Livu.
Frekari upplýsingar um verðlaunin, flokka, styrktarmöguleika og leiðir til að leggja sitt af mörkum, má finna á